Auxiliaries Recognized for Service, Support by UM Shore Regional Health Board

Back row: (left to right) John Dillon, chairman, UM Shore Regional Health Board of Directors, Art Cecil, president, Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital at Easton, Ken Kozel, president and CEO, UM Shore Regional Health. Front Row: (left to right) Sue Drumheller, Chester River Hospital Center Auxiliary, Diane McCarthy, president, Dorchester General Auxiliary, Paddy Tobey, Chester River Hospital Center Auxiliary.
The University of Maryland Shore Regional Health Board of Directors recently recognized the Chester River Hospital Center Auxiliary, the Dorchester General Auxiliary and the Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital at Easton for their outstanding work and dedication providing volunteer services and funds in support of the hospitals and inpatient and outpatient centers.
As National Volunteer Month, April is dedicated to honoring volunteers who donate their time to help organizations such as UM Shore Regional Health. The auxiliaries were each presented with a certificate of appreciation and a bouquet of flowers during the meeting.
“The auxiliary volunteers of Shore Regional Health have offered sensational support to our team and organization for many decades, “ said John Dillon, chairman, UM Shore Regional Health Board of Directors. “We can’t thank our auxiliaries enough for all of the effort, hours and financial support they provide to Shore Regional Health.”
During the past year, the auxiliaries have earned a combined $500,000 in proceeds through their special event sales, hospital gift shops and their auxiliary-managed thrift shops – the Nearly New Shop in Chestertown, the Robin Hood Shop in Cambridge and The Bazaar at 121 Federal Street in Easton. These proceeds help pay for new technology, facility upgrades and educational needs for UM Shore Regional Health and its team members.
At UM Shore Medical Centers at Chestertown, Dorchester and Easton, and various outpatient locations, auxiliary volunteers assist with services such as wheelchair and patient escorts, blood pressure screenings and front desk reception. Last year, members of the three auxiliaries provided a combined total of 60,000 hours in volunteer time.
“Volunteering with the Chester River Hospital Center Auxiliary has allowed me to meet so many great community members while serving our local hospital,” says Sue Drumheller, who was one of the representatives for the Chester River Hospital Center Auxiliary. “Volunteering is special to me, it really feeds my soul.”
Auxiliary volunteer positions are currently available at each hospital, a number of outpatient locations, at the hospital gift shops and all three thrift shops. For more information about volunteer opportunities call; Chestertown, 410-348-5114; Dorchester, 410-228-0091; Easton, 410-822-1000, ext. 5839.