Donor Stories

Bosom Buddies Charity Helps Fund Faxitron Purchase for Clark Comprehensive Breast Center
Staff of University of Maryland Shore Regional Health’s Clark Comprehensive Breast Center recently met with Board Members of Bosom Buddies Charities to thank them for their continuing support. The Charity’s […]
UM Shore Regional Health to benefit from $6.7 million bequest from the estate of Eleanor Requard
A bequest of $6,794,691 from the Estate of Eleanor B. Requard to UM Memorial Hospital Foundation will benefit patient care services and programs at UM SRH, hospital officials have announced. “We […]
Auxiliary of UM Memorial Hospital at Easton Donates $100,000 Toward New Cardiology Equipment
The Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital at Easton donated $100,000 to UM Memorial Hospital Foundation to support the purchase of a new cardiac ultrasound machine, the GE E90, and two other […]
Foundation Thanks Donors for Over $5 Million in Support of Regional Health Care Needs
The program was led by Charles T. Capute, Foundation board chair. Capute introduced fellow board members in attendance: JoAnne Hahey, Jacque Smith Hook, Ken Kozel, Keith McMahan, David Nagel, Steve Ochse, […]
Donor Profile: Preston Automotive Group Provides Support for Clark Comprehensive Breast Center
Locally owned family business, Preston Automotive Group, once again is giving back to the community as a Tournament Sponsor for UM Memorial Hospital Foundation’s Fifth Annual Sporting Clays Classic event, […]
Easton Auxiliary Helps Fund Purchase of New Radiology Equipment
UM Shore Medical Center at Easton’s Radiology Department now enjoys a state-of –the-art portable, digital ex-ray system, thanks to a donation of $100,000 from the Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital at Easton […]
Donor Profile: Auxiliary Volunteers are Vital for a Thriving Hospital and Health System
When Art Cecil moved back to his hometown of Easton in 2007, he knew that he wanted to give back to his community in some type of volunteer capacity. “While […]
Donor Profile: The Turner Family and Choptank Transport
“My interest in UM Memorial Hospital Foundation goes back to when I served on the Memorial Hospital Board (now known as University of Maryland Shore Medical Center at Easton) from […]
Grateful Patient Becomes Generous Donor
Marion Bevard of Bozman retired to the Eastern Shore in 1988, following a successful career in a family-owned ready-mix concrete and sand and gravel business in the Washington, D.C. area. […]
Donors Establish Legacy
Thomas and Eleanor Requard first forged a relationship with Shore Health when they made their first gift to the Memorial Hospital Foundation in 2004. Their love of the Eastern Shore […]