Caring Clowns Visit UM Shore Medical Center at Easton

Chief David Spencer and Sheriff Joe Gamble met with local clowns Dr. Goodwrench (aka Ken Sadler), Nurse Lily Belle (aka Brenda Stone), Dr. Gesundheit (aka Walt Cuttler), and Dr. Ducktape (aka Paul Raphel) in front of the University of Maryland Shore Medical Center at Easton.
On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 a group from Bumper “T” Caring Clowns met with the chief of Easton Police chief and Talbot County sheriff to spread awareness of their organization’s mission.
“This is a wonderful program that we support,” said Chief David Spencer. “It’s a shame that recent reports across the nation about clowns conducting criminal acts are distracting from all the positive things that these volunteers are doing.”
The Bumper “T” Caring Clowns are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, representing more than 100 clowns whosemission is to spread smiles throughout hospitals. This organization currently visits approximately 30 hospitals in six states, including UM Shore Medical Centers in Chestertown, Dorchester and Easton. To learn more about this organization, visit to their website at: