UM Shore Regional Health Auxiliary of Easton Supports Sporting Clays Classic with $10,000 Donation

UM Shore Regional Health Auxiliary of Easton presents their support for UM Memorial Hospital Foundation’s recent fundraiser, the Sporting Clays Classic. Shown from left to right are Maria D’Arcy, F. Graham Lee, Debbie Hayes, Mattie Fountain and Melissa Kelly, coordinator of Clark Comprehensive Breast Center.
University of Maryland Shore Regional Health Auxiliary of Easton recently presented a $10,000 contribution to the UM Shore Regional Health 2016 Sporting Clays Classic that took place on June 11 at The Point at Pintail in Queenstown. The contribution represents the Auxiliary’s sponsorship of the event, which raised $103,774 (net) for the Clark Comprehensive Breast Center’s outreach program.
“The Auxiliary is very pleased to be able to help support the outreach program of the new Clark Comprehensive Breast Center in Easton through sponsorship of UM Memorial Hospital Foundation’s Sporting Clays Classic,” says Art Cecil, president of the UM SRH Auxiliary of Easton. “The outreach program is an important part of Shore Regional Health’s commitment to ‘Creating Healthier Communities Together’ and is the result of the hard work of the Auxiliary’s many volunteers.”
The Auxiliary joined Ferry Point Marina, Preston Automotive Group and Jack & Susan Stoltz as top sponsors for the event.
“Time and time again the Auxiliary of Easton steps up to show their commitment to providing resources to benefit health care in our community,” says F. Graham Lee, vice president for philanthropy for UM SRH. “This $10,000 will help enhance and expand the Clark Comprehensive Breast Center’s outreach program that enables otherwise underserved populations to obtain education on breast cancer and important health screenings.”